Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to install Nagios 3 on Ubuntu 9.04

This manual is only covered how to install Nagios 3 on Ubuntu 9.04. Since the Nagios 3 is one of the Ubuntu package, so you can easily and quickly install Nagios 3 on Ubuntu system.

Assume you already install Ubuntu 9.04 OS, now we can start install Nagios 3 software:

  • Install Nagios version 3

    # sudo apt-get install nagios3

  • Create the web user password file after finished installation of Nagios 3

    # sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
    New password: xxxxxxxx
    Re-type new password: xxxxxxxx

  • Then you should already have a working Nagios!

    Open a browser, and go to http://localhost/nagios3/

    At the login prompt, login as:

    User: nagiosadmin
    Password: xxxxxxxx

    Note: There was a problem with gvfs, you will see the following error message:

    Nagios sent error message "DISK CRITIAL - /home/usr/.gvfs is not accessible:Permission denied"

    This problem is due to very special permissions set by fuse on the .gvfs directory. The workaround for this problem is here:

    >> modify /etc/nagios/conf.d/localhost_nagios2.cfg as follows:

    define command{
    command_name check_all_disks_plus
    command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -u GB -A -i .gvfs

    define service{
    use generic-service
    host_name localhost
    service_description Disk Space
    check_command check_all_disks_plus!20%!10%

    Then run

    # sudo /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart

  • If you would like to add a new host for monitoring, then you should add the configuration file for it.

    #cd /etc/nagios3/conf.d
    #vi newhosts.cfg

    define host{
    use generic-host
    host_name server1
    alias server one at lab
    address -------- [server1's IP address here]

  • Let's create a new hostgroup for occasion, and add new hosts to it.

    Edit the file hostgroups_nagios2.cfg and add a new group:

    vi hostgroups_nagios2.cfg

    define hostgroup{
    hostgroup_name lab-servers
    alias Lab Servers
    members server1

  • Now let's associate some services to that host

    # vi services_nagios2.cfg

    - find the section called "check that ping-only hosts are up", and change the line:

    hostgroup_name ping-servers


    hostgroup_name ping-servers,lab-servers

  • Verify that your configuration file is ok:

    # nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg

    ... You should get:

    Total warnings: 0
    Total errors: 0

    Things look okay - No serious problems are detected during the check.

  • Reload/Restart Nagios Services

    # /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart

  • Go to the web intergace (http://localhost/nagios3) and check the host that you just added.

    Once the new host can be monitored from above URL, you are ready to add all your Servers/PCs/Routers/Network Equipments that would like to monitor.


- This requires a bit of planning, but you should have all the elements for doing this...
- Think well about the logical structure of the files - it should be possible for you to do without doing too much work!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Howto Fix Internal Server Error

Recently I encounter one problem: When running a Perl CGI (or Python) script on Fedora 10 machine, I saw the "Internal Server Error" message in my browser. The message said something like "please check the server's error-log for more information." and contact web server administrator.

I checked the Apache error log, since I am running Fedora, the error log file is located at /var/log/httpd/error_log. The error messages says:

[client] (2) No such file or directory: exec of '/var/www/cgi-bin/cgiscriptname.cgi' failed, referer: http://localhost/your.html

[client] Premature end of script headers: cgiscriptname.cgi, referer: http://localhost/your.html

I googled the solutions from Internet, but most of them are saying the permissions are not correct. But I changed the permissions for all the files and directories, but still doesn't work, and got the same error messages.

Finally I found the solution by checking the web server's configuration - httpd.conf which located at /etc/htttpd/conf/. By default in Fedora, the cgi-bin section is configured as following:

<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None<
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

So I noticed Options None was the one cause the problem. After I change it to the following:

Options ExecCGI

And restart the apache web service, the "Internal Server Error" message is gone. The scripts are running fine now.

By the way, I think the following tips might be useful in your cases.

  1. The perl path or the python path in your script should be match your server environment settings.

    For perl, the header of your script should look like:


    For Python, the header of your script should look like:


  2. The second thing that you need to check is the permission of your CGI scripts.

    • Your home directory should have permissions of 701

    • Your .www (and any sub-directories containing you scripts) should have permissions of 701

    • Your CGI/Python scripts should have permissions of 701

    • Files that your CGI/Python script needs to read (for example an image file) should have permission of 604

  3. The next thing is checking the owner and gorup of your CGI/Python script. Usually the CGI/Python script and the enclosing directory must have the same owner/group of your web server. You should go to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to check the web server owner. In Fedora, both should be apache by default.

  4. The last thing that you might need to check is your scripts, some of them may transfered from Windows via FTP service. It should be transfered under ASCII mode. So you need to convert it to Unix line feeds by typing the following command:

    # tr -d '\r' <yourscript.py> yourscriptconv.py

    And run the new script which you converted.

Hope this will help you to solve your Internal Server Error Problem.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adding your username to Sudo List in Fedora

Just trying new Fedora Release 11, but I cannot do software update by using the user which I created after first boot. The error message says "the user is now in sudo list". I think most of you might had same issue, and I found the following solution for you.

Log in as root.

su --login

Add your user to the sudoers file.

echo 'your_plain_loginname_here ALL=(ALL) ALL’ >> /etc/sudoers

Now the error message should be gone!

One more tips for those users had Linux box behind the firewall, and you want to download software via Text Internet. You can do it in 2 ways, one is permanently add the following line in the profile, or type the following line in the terminal window:

export http_proxy="http://your_proxy_server_address:port"


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wallpaper for Nokia N97

Today I just got an Nokia N97 cell phone. And it's white color, it looks better than those black ones.

Here is the picture:

Compare to iPhone 3GS, personally I should said, N97 had better functions, features, specially open multiple applications at the same time, I think that's reason cause the software running slow on N97 sometimes. Today I tried one of N97's cool feature - FM transimitter when I was driving to home. I started the navigation system on N97, I can listen the voice guidance from car radio system which had 6 speakers, and the music player on N97 palyed my favorite music in the background at the same time through my car radio system. Isn't that cool?

Although iPhone 3GS had better ID, touch screen and faster respond time when open an application. But if let me choose, I will still choose N97. And one thing not good for N97 is, when every time I pick up the call, I need to manually unlock the phone before I can answer. Also I think Nokia should improve their UI. The current UI looks too outdated.

And here is two wallpapers that I found, hope you like them also.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Install VMWare ESXi 4.0 on Dell Precision WS 390

Today I just found another Desktop with faster CPU and more memory - Dell Precision WorkStation 390 at work. Since the old IBM NetCenter M50 (8189KJU) is too slow to have any OS running on VMWare ESXi 3.5 Server.

First I tried a few times to install version 3.5, the installation of VMWare ESXi 3.5 was fine. But during Windows XP installation on Virtual Machine, I got stuck when I try to load Windows XP driver for the 2801GR/GH(ICH7 Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller RAID Card. I managed to find the driver and load the driver during Windows XP installation, but the setup always tells me it couldn't find the available space to install. I also tried different combination of RAID configuration and different Widnows XP drivers. But all have same results, I don't know why.

By the end, I did some research on the Internet, then I found this Dell machine is a 64-bit machine. Silly me! But the lucky thing is that I download the latest VMWare ESXi 4.0 which is 64-bit also a few days ago, so I can use it right away. The installation is went through quite smoothly without any problem, and also the installation of Windows XP Professional 32bit. I even didn't load any extra drivers during the installation.

So here is my test configuration:

Dell Precision WorkStation 390

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 6700 @ 2.66GHz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Storage Adapters: 2801GR/GH(ICH7 Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller RAID
Storage: 1 PC 80GB WDC, 2 PCs 250GB WDC with RAID1
Network Adapter: Precision 390 (100MB)

VMWare ESXi 4.0.0, 164009

Virtual Machine:
Windows XP Professional 32-Bit
Ubuntu Desktop 9.04

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Install WinXP Virtual Machine on VMWare ESXi 3.5

Today I just tried to create a virtual machine and install Windows XP Professional with SP3 on a VMWare ESXi 3.5 Server. I though it will be easy since I already tried Windows 2003 Server on IBM eServer XSeries 345 with VMWare ESX Server 3.5 before. The only difference is this time I am installing the VMWare ESXi Server 3.5 on an IDE Hard Disk Drive, not SCSI. That's no a problem for me, since I also did the installation on IDE HDD in Feb. 2009, please see my post Install VMWare ESXi 3.5 to an IDE drive. So the installation for the ESXi Server was quite smooth. But when I try to install Windows XP Professional after I created new virtual machine. The installation was stopped and give the following error message.

"Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer."

After I did some homework via the Internet, finally I found this is because the necessary hard disk controller drivers have not been installed.

Within ESX and ESXi there are two types of SCSI controller types available. These are ‘BusLogic’ or ‘LSI Logic’.

When installing Windows XP the ESX VM will assign the ‘BusLogic’ SCSI controller type as the default. The Windows XP installation media doesn’t contain the drivers for either of these controllers so unless they are provided via floppy disk at the start of the installation process then XP will not know about any of the disks attached to the controller (which it doesn’t have drivers for).

Using an LSI Logic SCSI controller type has been shown to provide faster performance over that of a BusLogic controller type.

So here is the solutions:

1. Using the VMWare SCSI Disk Driver which provided by VMWare. You can download flp image from here:


And press F6 quickly once you boot up the Windows XP professional setup CD/image, and select the driver from floppy image.

2. Or you can use the default driver which provided by Microsoft. But you also need to press F6 to load special driver.

After that you should be able to install Windows XP as usual.

Good Luck!

Monday, June 22, 2009

VNC Server on Nokia N810

I got an Nokia N810 Internet Tablet a few days ago. And as most of you should know the OS of N810 is based on Linux Platform - Maemo, with a touch screen. So that means you can install a lot of Linux apps on this Internet tablet.

Here is one interesting application that you might also like:

VNC Server for Nokia N810!

I found this application - x11vnc from google. Basically it's not only for N810, allows one to view remotely and interact with real X displays (i.e. a display corresponding to a physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse) with any VNC viewer. In this way it plays the role for Unix/X11 that WinVNC plays for Windows. X11vnc allow you to use another computer to control your Internet Tablet. Keyboard and mouse (or stylus) input, and screen output, are delivered over a network connection.

You can find more details from http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/.

Here is the instruction how to install x11vnc on N810:

  1. Download the x11vnc package. For OS2008 (N800 and N810) the package is x11vnc_0.9.3-1_armel.deb . Save the file to memory card.

  2. Then using Application Installer in Control panel install the package by choosing Application -> install from file from the menu. Select the file which you downloaded from the right path.

  3. Once the installation is done. Then you can start to using it. You can find x11vnc from Menu -> Extras . By the way, There is no dialog and selecting the menu item again will shut down the VNC server. (I know this isn't ideal).

  4. To connect to your Internet Tablet you will need to know its IP address. To find this open the Connection manager from Settings and select Internet connection -> IP address from the menu.

  5. Now you can connect N810 Internet Table from your PC via any VNC viewer. By default, it doesn't request any password to remote access in.

Here is the result that you can see it from your PC:

  1. Although x11nvc opens the default network connection automatically, it may be necessary to start a network client application, e.g. the browser, to gain a full network connection. Once you have a connection close the browser and everything should be fine.

  2. Here is another big problem, users compliant that The 810 seems to be married to the built-in keyboard, and there doesn't seem to be a way to emulate that keyboard on a remote machine.

    And here is the solution which I found from the forum for that:

    Until you use x11vnc -xkb which translates the computer keyboard normally (digit keys).

    Here is web page that shows many options how to use X11vnx:

    Here is a sample shell script:

    x11vnc -http -xkb -ultrafilexfer -forever -passwd [mypassword]

    which allows browser access on default port 5800 (beside VNC viewer port 5900), extended keyboard (pressing numbers on the computer keyboard result in numbers rather than letters), file transfer enabled when using UltraVNC (a similar option exists for TightVNC), remains in memory (x11vnc does not unload when you terminate the session) and a password.

    This is just an example.

    The only keys for which have no translation are the buttons on the edge on the n810 (zoom, full screen keys).

Have Fun!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Prototype Nokia Phone Recharges without wires

Today I just saw an interesting news, it says Nokia has taken another baby step in that direction with the invention of a cell phone that recharges itself using a unique system: It harvests ambient radio waves from the air, and turns that energy into usable power. Ultimately, this technology aims to convert electromagnetic waves into an electrical signal, somewhat similar to RFID (Radio-frequency identification).

Is that cool!

Wireless Power! Wireless Charging!

Here is the details for that article:

Mind you, harvesting ambient electromagnetic energy is never going to enough electricity to power your whole house or office, but it just might be enough to keep a cell phone alive and kicking. Currently, the boffins at Nokia have already developed prototype devices that are able to harvest up to 5 milliwatts, although this amount isn't enough to juice up a handset just yet with Nokia's vision of producing 50 milliwatts being quite a ways off in the future. Nokia says it hopes to commercialize the technology in 3 to 5 years.

Let's see!

Friday, June 19, 2009

How to install Xerox Network Printer on Ubuntu

This is the first time that I am trying to install a Xerox WorkCentre Pro C2636 on Ubuntu machine. Since the WorkCentre Pro C2636 is an network printer. And Ubuntu doesn't have default printer driver for this printer. So I googled and found there isn't a dedicated driver for C2636. Finally I found the another driver on http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting.

And here is the work around for C2636 on Ubuntu:

  1. Go to the http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting

  2. Select Printers -> Xerox -> WorkCentre C2424, then press Show.

  3. I tried the PPD file which from cljet5 by click direct download PDD, and it works great for me.

  4. After you download the PPD file, select System -> Administration -> Printing.

  5. Click New Printer, and Select AppSocket/HP JetDirect in Devices window.

  6. Type the IP address into Host field. Then click Forward button.

  7. Wait for next screen to pop-up, then select Provide PPD file, choose the location of the PPD file which you downloaded above and click Forward.

  8. Give the Short Name in next window, and type the IP address for that printer in Location field. Then click Apply.

  9. Now everything is set, you can double click the printer icon that you just created. And print a test page.

Good Luck!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Google Wave Preview

Google WAVE, "a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year." Google is going to launch another cool service - Google Wave.

Google Wave introduces a new platform built around hosted conversations called waves--this model enables people to communicate and work together in new and more effective ways. On top of that, with the Google Wave APIs, developers can take advantage of this collaborative system by building on the Google Wave platform. We want to expand upon that platform, which is why we've put together the initial draft of the Google Wave Federation Protocol, the underlying network protocol for sharing waves between wave providers.

It's include Real Time Instanting Messaging, Email, Real Time Editing Text and Picture by multiple users, API for Blogger, spell checker ( automatic link for web url, etc.,) playback for changes/updates, add the link by searching within wave client - Friend Linkie, you can make your own gadget with wave API, integrate map api into wave client, twisits in wave client, etc.,

Yes, that's between wave providers: anyone can build a wave server and interoperate, much like anyone can run their own SMTP server. The wave protocol is open to contributions by the broader community with the goal to continue to improve how we share information, together. You can find more details or whitepaper from http://www.waveprotocol.org/Home.

Here is Demo of Google Wave that you can watch:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ubuntu Tips - (Updated)

I like Ubuntu, and I collected some tips from the Internet when I encounter problems. I think you might be interested in them too.

Just record a few below:

  1. How To Use Proxy Server To Access Internet at Shell Prompt

    This is the 1st problem I met, since my machine can access the Internet only via a Proxy Server, so when I type something like:

    # apt-get install packagename

    It always give me an error, and cannot get anything updated or installed.

    So I just googled the Internet and found this post http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-set-proxy-environment-variable/ is really useful.

    Basically it's using http_proxy environment variable in Ubuntu or any Linux OS, and it allows you to connect text based internet session/application via Proxy Server. So just type the following command to set proxy server:

    # export http_proxy=http://yourproxyserverip:port/

    Also you can setup the proxy variable for all users. To setup the proxy environment variable as a global variable, edit /etc/profile file:

    # vi /etc/profile

    And the following line:

    export http_proxy=http://yourproxyserverip:port/

    If you would like to use password protected proxy server, please refer to the link here.

  2. How to install software package or find the package based on file?

    Sometime I need to install a new customized package from somewhere, it requires pre-install some other packages. Or when you try to compile some new software from source, system might tell you missing some files or library. I sure you will have some question, How do you install individual package on Ubuntu?

    And here are the answers:

    • Via Graphical User Interface

      Under main menu, select System, then select Administration and click on Synaptic Package Management. Type a query into the search, then select a package you think is relative to what you want, Click Install.

    • Via Command Shell

      - Start a Terminal windows (Konsole, xterm, or any other command line/bash shell interface)

      - Type

      sudo -s

      (sudo as in superuser do, su as in "switch user") to get administrative privileges to install software

      - Type your password if prompted.

      - Type
      sudo aptitude install packagename

      If you need to know the package name of your program. Type

      sudo aptitude search 'programname or filename'

      will yield search results for your package when you supply it to the terminal. Here is the "current state" flag for search results:

      • i — installed: successfully installed to system

      • c — config: package not installed, but configuration files remain

      • p — purged: package has no files on system

      • v — virtual: package does not exist, but another "Provides" it

      • B — broken: dependencies unresolved, fix required

      • u — unpacked: only files unpacked, not configured

      • C — half-configured: configuration failed, fix required

      • H — half-installed: removal failed, must be reinstalled

      - In some cases, it may automatically know which package you want, such as "sudo aptitude install firefox" Look on the package page of the Ubuntu distribution site.

      - If you are not sure of the name of the program you are trying to install, you can use tab completion to try and find it (most major distributions have it.) Simply type the first few letters of the package you want to install and hit tab once or twice. For example, type fire and then hit tab, it will bring up all packages that begin with fire; firefox will be one of them.

      - Wait for it to prepare to install the software package from the repository.
      If you are prompted whether or not to install, type "y". Next time if you would rather have it do it automatically, type

      sudo aptitude install package -y

      Wait for it to finish installing, and close the terminal.

      - Another small tip is to update your software packages list by using the following command:

      sudo aptitude update

      - It should be in the Main Menu under the appropriate category. If not, restart your computer.

  3. How to Change the Computer Name?

    Open you terminal window and type the following command:

    sudo gedit /etc/hostname

    When prompted, enter the administrator password and click the OK button. The hostname file will open, displaying the current computer name. Replace the current computer name with the desired new name. Save the new file and Close all open windows and restart your system.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tips for using Blogspot.com

Since this is my First Blog, I did a lot of research vi Internet and try to build a nice, friendly blog. So now I would like to share those nice feature and tips with all of you:

  • Making Read More plus the title of article

  • Adding Digg Button into you post page

  • Creating Categories Gadget (Removing label count)

  • Adding Live Traffic Tracking tool

Are above features interesting? so feel free read this whole post!

  1. Making Read More plus the title of article

    Most peoples had making Read More function under the post on their blog. And here is the tip about making the function of Read More plus the title of the article. Through this modification, the title of the article will be added automatically after Read More.

    To make the function of Read More is not too difficult, you only need to add a few code at read more code that you have ever made before in your template. Here are the steps, and the code like this:

    • In the dashboard page , click Layout.

    • Then click edit HTML tab. Please mark the little box beside Expand Widget Templates. Wait for a moment.

    • Go to your template code, and find the code like this:


    • Delete the above code and change with this code :

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
      <a expr:href='data:post.url'><strong>Read more...</strong></a></p>

    • So above code is only for Read More function. If you would like to have Read More plus the title of article.

      Erase the code above and change with the code below:

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
      <strong><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Continue reading “<data:post.title/>” »»</strong>

    • Don’t forget to click SAVE TEMPLATES.

    Now, see the result! The function of Read More will always have the title of your article.

  2. Adding Digg Button into you post page
    I think most of you know this icon . Yes, it's a digg icon from digg.com, digg.com is a most popular site in the world. With digg.com you can discover and share your blog content. So it's one of the way to increse your blog traffic. With Digg button you can easy to submit your post with your self or with your visitor to digg.com. Feel interesred to add digg button to your blog? this the steps :

    • After entering the dashboard page, click Layout.

    • Click edit HTML tab.

    • Please mark the little box beside Expand Widget Templates. Wait for a moment.

    • Find the code like this:


    • Delete the code above and alter with following code:

      <!-- DIGG -->
      <div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
      <script type='text/javascript'>
      digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';
      <script src='http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    • Click Save Template button.Done! Now digg button was added to your post.

  3. How to make Categories Function? (How to remove label count?)

    Most peoples enabled labels feature on their blogs, like following:

    But I would like to remove those number counts and use it as Categories. Please see this:

    Do you wish to eliminate the number at label too? this is the steps :

    • After entering the dashboard page , click Layout.

    • Then click edit HTML tab, mark the little box beside Expand Widget Templates. Wait for a moment.

    • Go to your template code, and find the code like this :


    • If you was found the above code, please delete. Then click Save Template button. Done. Please see the result.

    Now your label will not with number.

  4. Adding Live Traffic Tracking tool

    Want to know where are your visitor come from for live? If yes, you can add blog tool from http://feedjit.com. With web or blog tool from http://feedjit.com, you can know where your visitor come from. Easy install to blog and without signup before, grab the code and add to your sidebar and you have a live tracking tool for free.

    Below is the example widget from feedjit.com :

    This is the steps to add widget Live Traffic Feed to your blog :

    • At the dashboard, click Layout, then click Page Element tab.

    • Click Add a Page Element. Then click ADD TO BLOG for HTML/Javascript.

    • Copy and then paste the following code:

      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://feedjit.com/serve/?bc=FFFFFF&tc=494949&brd1=336699&lnk=494949&hc=336699&ww=160"></script><noscript><a href="http://feedjit.com/">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript>

      Click SAVE CHANGES button. Done.

    Now you have a tool to track your visitor.

Note: I found most tips from http://www.blogspottutorial.com/. Feel free go and find more!

Friday, April 3, 2009

N96 working as USB Modem on OSx86

My Friend M.C. found the following web blog Using the Nokia E71 as a USB Modem with MacOS Leopard, and he got his N96 working as USB modem for IBM ThinkPad T41. Then I tried my N96 on my Dell Dimension 1100 Desktop. It's working fine. And here is the instruction how to configure.

  1. There is no need to install any additional hardware or software. Simply connect the N96 by select PC suite USB mode to the Mac OSx86. (Also Provided that your SIM card is enabled for GPRS / 3G Internet access with your provider.)

  2. Select System Preferences -> Network

    In the Telephone Number field enter *99#

    In the Username and Password fields enter the appropriate details for your network provider:

    Fido - 'fido' for both (I am using it now.)

    Vodafone - 'web' for both

    Orange - leave blank

    O2 - 'web' for both

    T-Mobile - leave blank

  3. Then click Advance button:

    On the Modem tab, set the Vendor type to Nokia. The Model number will complete automatically.

    In the APN field, enter the appropriate information for your network provider:

    Fido - internet.fido.ca

    Vodafone - internet

    Orange - orangeinternet

    O2 - mobile.o2.co.uk

    T-Mobile - general.t-mobile.uk

    Click OK and then Apply.

  4. Click the Connect button. after a few moments you will be connected to the Internet:

    You can see the Connect Time & IP address after you successfully connected to Internet Provider.

I think the Most Nokia N-Series will work with Mac OSx86. So give a try and provide your feedback in the following comments.

But most important thing, you should make sure you subscribe to GPRS/3G Data package with your service provider.

[Guide]Howto Install Software RAID 5 on Ubuntu - 1

After search Software RAID5 installation for Ubuntu, I decide to try it on my Ubuntu server. And I couldn't get it boot after I successfully configured RIAD5 during ubuntu server's installation. By the end, after I read the Installation SoftwareRAID, I figured out it's because my RAID 5 configuration for the /boot partition was wrong. Since the /boot filesystem cannot use any softRAID level other than 1 with the stock Ubuntu bootloader.

Ok, here is my version of Software RAID5 installation for Ubuntu Server on IBM ThinkCentre 8189-KJU (Known as M50).

Basically I had 3 PCs 160GB Seagate Barracuda 7200 Hard Disk Drives which connected to 2 IDE Channels on IBM ThinkCentre Desktop PC. The 1st and 2nd Hard Disk connected to the 1st IDE Channel, and the 3rd one and DVD drive connected to the 2nd IDE Channel.

Basically I planned 200MB space on both sda (which is Hard Disk1) and sdb (which is Hard Disk 2) for the /boot partition with RAID1, 2GB space on both sda and sdb for the swap partition with RAID1, and left of space (around 158GB) on sda, sdb and almost everything on sdc for the root partition / with RAID5.

So here is the setup:
  • sda - 200MB sda1 RAID1 /boot
    145GB sda5 RAID5 /
    2GB sda6 RAID1 swap

  • sdb - 200MB sdb1 RAID1 /boot
    145GB sdb5 RAID5 /
    2GB sdb6 RAID1 swap

  • sdc - 200MB sdc1 - No going to use.
    145GB sdc5 RAID5 /
    2GB sdc6 - Not going to use.

As I said before, since the /boot file system cannot be running on RAID5, but only RAID1. Also I left most space to RAID5 for the root / file system which include all my data files as well. For the swap, I think you can configure it either RAID1 or RAID5, it's doesn't matter, but I configured as RAID1 in my setup, since I think RIAD1 should have enough protection and faster than RAID5 system.

Ok, I am not going to go through every steps for setting up the Ubuntu Server, but only the steps for configure RAID system:

  • From the "Partition Disks" dialog box, select "Manually edit the partition table".

  • Select the 1st disk ("sda")

  • Say "Yes" to "Create a new empty partition" select "physical volume for RAID", not the default "Ext3 journaling file system".

  • TO be continue ...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spinning Cube On Ubuntu

A few days ago I saw one of my friend show me a spinning cube with classy MacOSX like dock bar and many other effects on his IBM T41 Laptop with Ubuntu Linux installed. Then I went home and loaded latest ubuntu on my IBM ThinkCenter M50 Desktop, and googled the internet. Finally I figured out the solution to enable/install/use the cool spinning cube!!!

You can find the completion Guide from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion.

And here I just list the simply steps to get Compiz installed and run:

  1. Go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance, and select Visual Effects tab and click on Extra. You may be prompted to install restricted drivers and if so, please click Yes, if not: you will have a few effects enabled by default.

  2. Install CompizConfig Settings Manager. Just open a terminal windows and type the following command:

    sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager

  3. Then go to System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager and enable Desktop Cube, Rotate Cube and Cube Reflection and Deformation. You can also select other settings as you wish.

  4. Go to General Options, on the last tab Desktop Size, set the Horizontal Virtual Size to 4. And now you will have a spinning cube. See this:

    To trigger it, press Ctrl + Alt + LeftClick or Ctrl + Alt + LeftButton on the mouse and drag to spin it.

    You may also use Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow to unfold it and then LeftArrow/RightArrow to move around the unfolded cube.

  5. Now you can go back to CompizConfig Settings Manager to try some other cool effects.

Although the spinning cube is cool, but Compare iPC OSx86 which running on my Dell Desktop, I will still prefer OSx86, because it's real of Mac OS.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

iPC OSx86 running on IBM NetVista 8307

Update on 20-May-2009:

Donot upgrade Mac OSx86 10.5.6 to version 10.5.7 on your IBM Netvista 8307, it will kill your Mac.

You can try it but you should make sure you had image backup for your original system 10.5.6.


Since I am running iPC OSx86 on my Dell Dimension 1100 machine. And my friend also likes it and want to install it on his IBM NetVista 8307. Because I gained lots of experiences for the installation on my Dell, so today I managed to install iPC Mac OSx86 (Leopard) on IBM NetVista 8307 successfully with one try only:

  • Intel® Celeron P4 2.8GHz

  • 1 GB SDRAM (Suggest to have at least 512MB)

  • 40GB IDE Hard Disk Drive

  • IDE DVD-ROM Drive

  • Video: Integrated Intel® Extreme Graphics

  • Audio: Integrated SoundMax Audio (AC97 Compliant)

  • Network: Integrated Intel Pro/1000MT Ethernet

Almost same options should be selected as Dell Demension 1100, but some are different, please refer to the following list:

  1. iPC OSx86 10.5.6 Base System

  2. Kernels: 9.5.0 Voodoo Kernel

  3. Video Drivers -> AGPGart 2.7.1

  4. Audio Drivers -> AC97 Audio

  5. Chipset Drivers -> LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA drivers

  6. USB Drivers -> PCGenUSBEHCL Drivers

  7. Fixes and patched:

    Seatbelt.kext 10.5.5

    PS/2 Keyboard fix

    ApleSMBIOS ToH

    IOUSBMassStorage Fix

    Finder 10.5.5 + Keyboard.prefPane

    USB Mount Fix

And that's it! Enjoy and have Fun!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Installed iPC OSx86 10.5.6 on Dell Dimension 1100

Updated on 8-May-09:
After a few re-try, I finally figure out a few things which is not done correctly in my previous post. Please refer to the end of this post.

After a few hours trying and searching on the Internet (Most information are came from http://www.osx86project.org/), although my Dell Dimension 1100 is not listed in the HCL of any version of iPC OSx86 which included v10.5.6, but I still managed to install iPC OSx86 v10.5.6 (Leopard) on my Dell Dimension 1100 Desktop PC which with the following configuration:

  • Intel® Celeron P4 2.6GHz

  • 1 GB SDRAM (At least 512MB)

  • 80GB IDE Hard Disk Drive

  • EMPREX DVD Writer (IDE)

  • Video: Integrated Intel® Extreme Graphics 2

  • Audio: Integrated 2.1 Channel Audio

  • Network Interface Card: Integrated Broadcom440x 10/100 Ethernet

Here are the steps to install from DVD:

  1. Boot from DVD, Select English as Default Language.

  2. Use Disk Utility to configure the partition,

    • Select the hard drive on the left sidebar

    • Click on partition

    • Select a "1 partition volume scheme" and choose Mac OS Extended (journaled) as format.

    • Finally click the option button and choose GUID as the partition scheme.

  3. Now you are in the home stretch, and at the easiest part. It's all downhill from here. Install Leopard following the on screen instructions, the only thing to remember before clicking the Installation button, is to click Customize and un-select "Additional Fonts".

  4. And also in order to make iPC work on your Dimension 1100, you need to manual select the following package:
    (Note: The red ones are removed, and the blue ones are newly added.)

    • iPC OSx86 10.5.6 Base System

    • Kernels: 9.5.0 Voodoo Kernel

    • Video Drivers -> AGPGart 2.7.1 Intel GMA950 (No QE/CI) (Will figure it out later)

    • Audio Drivers -> AC97 Audio AD1980

    • Ethernet Drivers -> AppleBCM440XEthernet Drivers Intel 82566MM/DC

    • Chipset Drivers -> LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA drivers

    • USB Drivers -> PCGenUSBEHCL Drivers Patched USB Drivers

    • Power Management

    • Fixes and patched:
      Seatbelt.kext 10.5.5

      PS/2 Keyboard fix

      ApleSMBIOS ToH

      ACPI Fix

      CPUS=1 One Core Fix

      IOUSBMassStorage Fix

      Finder 10.5.5 + Keyboard.prefPane

      USB Mount Fix


      Patch DSDT

    That's the bare minimum for system so that it boots up fine and all devices have drivers.

  5. Just wait around 20 minutes, the system will prompt restart or says will restart after 30 seconds.

  6. The most important thing here, you should "On the first boot make sure to boot with the -f boot flag! Do this to make sure that all installed kexts are loaded properly." And it's only required once. You can find the same note on the license agreement page before you install iPC OSx86 Software.

  7. Ok! After reboot, you should go into the welcome screen and continue your 1st time configuration for Your MAC!!!


  1. Here is work around for Audio:

    First make sure by the clock you have the sound icon and you can move the slider. If you can do both please follow these steps to enable audio.

    Goto Applications...Utilities and select Audio Midi Setup. Now in the Audio Devices section you should see a checkbox with Properties For to the left. Select that dropdown list and select the second option which will have the same name. Once you do this the left side input will be removed and the right side output will now have options.

    Under the Audio output section look for the drop down box with 2CH-16bit. Select the drop down and change it to 6CH-16bit. Now click on configure speakers button. Now change the left front drop down to "3" and click on the button right above that has the text Left Front and if you hear sound your set. Also make sure to change right front to "6" and click on the botton to make sure sound is heard. Once sound is heard from both speakers your sound is now working and itunes and anything else can have stereo playback from the onboard audio of the Dell Dimension 1100.

  2. Manually Change the Screen Resolutions:

    Edit the following file by using VI tool or other editor in Application Terminal.

    # sudo -s
    password: xxxxxxxx

    # vi /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

    To automatically use a certain graphics mode

    For VESA 2, Add:

    <key>Graphics Mode</key>


    For VESA 3 (Dell Dimension 1100 & IBM NetVista 8307), Add:

    <key>Graphics Mode</key>


    Then save the file and reboot the PC, Enjoy!

  3. Don't give up! Even your PC is not listed in the HCL (http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) of iPC OSx86, but you always can find the similar configurations for your PC. And if you have questions, I am willing to answer any question that I know, please leave your comments.

Added on 3-Apr-09:

  1. The USB mouse which connected to KVM via PS2 adapter is not working on OSx86. And after I switched to PS2 Mouse, it's working fine with KVM.

  2. Some of my Friend tried on IBm ThinkPad T41, it's working fine but except Wireless LAN and Network Interface Card. My next step, I will try to buy a second hand T41 and give a try.

Added on 6-Apr-09

  1. The package selection of customize installation was not quite fit the original drivers on Dell Dimension 1100 Desktop, so I made a few changes, please refer to the red and blue changes in the above section.

  2. On the 1st reboot, you should do it with the -f options, this is in order to load installed kexts correctly. I didn't notice this at all, since I didn't really go through whole license agreement page. I suggest everyone who would like to install OSx86 should go through it.

  3. The QE(Quartz Extreme)/CI(Core Image) is not working for my video correctly. I will try to figure out this part.

  4. And I pretty happy with my current setup, and it's working more smoothly than before. Specially when it's booting up.

Added on 8-May-09

I found some problem with my Network Card, sometimes it couldn't get the IP address from DHCP server, since the network card driver is not load properly. So I just add the following boot flags into com.apple.Boot.plist:

# vi /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

And add:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-f -v</string>

And reboot your PC, then the problem is gone.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Install VMWare ESXi 3.5 on an IDE drive

When I tried to install VMWare ESXi 3.5 on IBM NetVista, but the installation was crashed. Then I tried to install it on IBM ThinkCentre. I got the error message "Unable to find a supported device to write the VMware ESX Server 3i 3.5.0 image to".

After I googled, I found the following article which helps me to correct the installation on IDE Drive.


Here is the whole article:

By default, if the ESXi install can not find a supported device to install to, then the installer will quit with the error message: "Unable to find a supported device to write the VMware ESX Server 3i 3.5.0 image to." If it is the case that the IDE drive in your host is recognized by ESXi, then you will be able to modify the install script TargetFilter.py to recognize your IDE device as a supported install device.

Install Process:

  1. If you have encountered the error shown above, you can press ALT-F1 to access the console of the ESXi install. You'll be prompted for a login and you can use 'root'. The password for root with be blank. As mentioned above, this process assumes you have an IDE drive that ESXi can recognize. You can use the command lspci to show the list of devices that ESXi can recognize and then compare that with this list of devices. Also if you run fdisk -l, you should see your IDE drive listed.

  2. After you have console access you will enter the command

    vi /usr/lib/vmware/installer/Core/TargetFilter.py

    (note that the path and filename are case-sensitive).

  3. Scroll down in the document until you find the section "def IDEFilter(lun)". You will be changing the text:

    return interface.GetInterfaceType() == ScsiInterface.SCSI_IFACE_TYPE_IDE


    return interface.GetInterfaceType() == ScsiInterface.SCSI_IFACE_TYPE_ISCSI

    If you have not used vi before, move the cursor to the end of "TYPE_IDE" and the press the Insert key. The press backspace to delete IDE and type in ISCSI. Then press the ESC key, type in the command :wq and press Enter to save the file and exit.

  4. You will now be back at the console. If you had stopped the installer at the screen show below, you can press ALT-F2 to return to the screen and press Enter to start the install, but it will still generate the error shown in the image above. You will need to press ALT-F1 and then type in install and press enter.

  5. When you run the install command, it is important to note that the installer will switch you back to the ALT-F2 (DCUI) screen. Press ALT-F1 to return to the console again. You will see the below screen again with the prompt to press Enter to install. Do so and the install will proceed.

  6. Press F11 on the next screen and you should then see your IDE drive as show below. Press Enter to continue and after a few minutes the install should complete and you will be prompted to reboot.

  7. After the reboot, you will be able to connect with the VI client and see that ESXi has installed to and created a VMFS partition on your IDE drive.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The 1st post

This is new blog which I created on 17-Feb-2009.

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